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Do you know the difference between yogurt and lactic acid bacteria drink?

What is a lactic acid bacteria drink?

Beverages marked "active lactic acid bacteria" contain live bacteria, which can regulate the intestinal flora; blended milk beverages: no live bacteria, water, sugar, and a small amount of milk. It does not regulate intestinal function. If you simply want to regulate the intestinal flora, you can choose high-quality active lactic acid bacteria beverages; if you want to obtain the nutritional value comparable to milk, but also want to obtain beneficial bacteria, choose yogurt.


8 things you need to know about yogurt

Q: Is yogurt more nutritious than milk?
A: The nutritional value of milk and yogurt is not very different, but yogurt is easier to digest and absorb. Adults with "lactose intolerance" have stomach upset or even diarrhea after drinking milk, so they can use yogurt instead. In addition, yogurt also contains calcium, and the absorption rate is only higher than that in milk, because lactic acid can promote the absorption of calcium and other minerals.

Q: Is the lactic acid bacteria drink also yogurt?
A: There are two main types:
One is the beverage labeled "active lactic acid bacteria"
This kind of beverage also has active lactic acid bacteria. The activity of lactic acid bacteria in a good-quality active lactic acid bacteria beverage will be compared Strong, the quantity reaches a certain level (10^8-10^10), which can regulate the intestinal flora in the intestine.
Second, formulated milk beverages
The formulated milk beverages have no live bacteria, and are formulated with water, sugar, and a small amount of milk. The nutritional value is low, and the intestinal function is not regulated. And because of the good taste and more sugar, it is easy to overdose and increase the risk of obesity.

Q: Is yogurt with fruit pieces more nutritious?
A: First of all, the fruit particles in the fruit yogurt are not fresh. Because the fruit pieces added to yogurt are purchased separately, they are added to the yogurt during production. Secondly, the fruit pieces have to be scalded at high temperature, and many nutrients will be lost.

Q: The thicker the yogurt, the better?
A: The consistency of yogurt is closely related to the quality of yogurt. The thicker the yogurt, the better the quality of the original milk, but thickeners are also used in the video industry.

Q: More yogurt is better?
A: Excessive drinking of yogurt can easily lead to hyperacidity, affect the secretion of gastric mucosa and digestive enzymes, and reduce appetite. People with excessive gastric acid and spleen and stomach deficiency and bloating should not drink more.
It is recommended that adults do not drink more than 400 grams of yogurt, unless they are pregnant, breastfeeding or adolescents. In principle, milk and yogurt can be replaced in equal amounts. For teenagers, a cup of yogurt in the morning and evening, or a cup of milk in the morning and a cup of yogurt in the evening are ideal.

Q: Is yogurt suitable for all ages?
A: Patients with diarrhea or other intestinal diseases should drink yogurt carefully after intestinal injury; babies under 1 year old should not drink yogurt; patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis are better not to fight Sugary full-fat yogurt.

Q: Can yogurt be used with other foods?
A: Do not eat yogurt with high-fat processed meats such as sausages and bacon. Among them, nitrous acid can easily form carcinogen nitrosamines with the amines in yogurt. Yogurt should not be taken with chloramphenicol, erythromycin and other antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Q: How to buy yogurt?
A: Choose the one with the most recent production date
     Recommend original products
     Simply want to adjust the environment of the intestinal flora, optional quality Excellent active lactic acid bacteria beverage;
     If you want to obtain the nutritional value comparable to milk, but also want to obtain beneficial bacteria, choose yogurt.


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